Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Marketing talk

I love how marketing people use language. This doesn't sound as if you're supposed to read it, but just quickly glance over it and get impressed by the buzzwords:

Over the past decade Symbian has helped transform the mobile market through its unrivalled innovation and commercial success in driving the evolution of the smartphone show industry.

And you're definitely not supposed to actually read the next paragraph:

This year’s Smartphone Show celebrates 10 years of past achievements, while continuing to focus on those technologies shaping the future of mobile. We’re also launching our revived developer event, the Mobile DevFest, running in tandem with the show to provide invaluable training and information for our developer community. With extensive coverage of both technical and commercial aspects of the industry, we have no doubt there will be something for everyone at this year’s event.

Where did the apostrophes go? "Were already launching", was this spell checked by an 8 year old? How come marketing text is always so full of embarrassing errors? Wouldn't it be better if they learned to write properly (or have someone check their output before publishing it), so that they don't alienate nerds like me?